(Pardon me, but did you see the APL and Karma thing? The day where both of them tried, and everyone here got them to not? Yeah. I honestly don't think Terrie is gonna really do anything, moreso he was just saying nobody would care if he did. Which I disagree with, since I know people like You, and I, T and Karen, and Lily, as well as Inky/Cs, plus possibly Goopi, and several others on the site would probably care.)

(Pardon me, but did you see the APL and Karma thing? The day where both of them tried, and everyone here got them to not? Yeah. I honestly don't think Terrie is gonna really do anything, moreso he was just saying nobody would care if he did. Which I disagree with, since I know people like You, and I, T and Karen, and Lily, as well as Inky/Cs, plus possibly Goopi, and several others on the site would probably care.)

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Description: im back

CREATOR ID: a228fa
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Ethan: welcome to a stupid site filled with people that have no sense of any humanity. welcome to a place where someone life can be lost without a care in the world.

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