yea. . . how much you truely understand though is not the same as just simply understanding. . . i don't know, this sorta crap is why i basically wasn't here for this year. . . or the last. . . right when i'm getting all my motivations back this crap happens again and there it go's. . . imma be honest, i've completly run out of ideas on what to do anymore - Deadtale

yea. . . how much you truely understand though is not the same as just simply understanding. . . i don't know, this sorta crap is why i basically wasn't here for this year. . . or the last. . . right  when i'm getting all my motivations back this crap happens again and there it go's. . . imma be honest, i've completly run out of ideas on what to do anymore - Deadtale

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CREATOR ID: d7d44c
AGE: 18 days old
BASED ON: Welp, I Just got here And Someone Leaves PaM, I Mean Sad To See Zer0 Go But, the Moment i Arrive, That can't be A Cowincidence (How Frick Do You Spell that)-Deadtale

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