Ah-- I see. I don't know what you plan to do, but as far as I know, nobody is opposed to you rejoining the pam server. I don't think anyone wants to see you go. I personally will remain to be your friend til the end. I do genuinely want to still have you here, I do genuinely still want to do activities with you, that even includes this rp. I genuinely think you just need time to yourself to calm down fully and do things that make you happy. I think you just need a bit of time. This whole situation is a big mess, but I think things are starting to resolve.

Ah-- I see. I don't know what you plan to do, but as far as I know, nobody is opposed to you rejoining the pam server. I don't think anyone wants to see you go. I personally will remain to be your friend til the end. I do genuinely want to still have you here, I do genuinely still want to do activities with you, that even includes this rp. I genuinely think you just need time to yourself to calm down fully and do things that make you happy. I think you just need a bit of time. This whole situation is a big mess, but I think things are starting to resolve.

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AGE: 1 year old

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