"Come on there's like literally only one other person who is an Arc character in the Multiplane right now, heard he's strong"

"Come on there's like literally only one other person who is an Arc character in the Multiplane right now, heard he's strong"

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Description: Heroes of the End Day (Saga) - Ciel Linux The Program that broke the terrifying truth into all of the characters that they are merely fiction, and that Ardenvar is a mutant virtual reality made after strong EMP damage and corruption across the now lost Internet, power so strong it absorbed human life into it's binds. She is the 2nd Strongest Character in the Colorverse outmatched by whoever Cyan takes the form of. (Making Voruso the 1st strongest.) as she is one with the program. Often times she will act as an Anti-Virus when she detects activity that screws with the Layering of the Game World, such as EMPs which expose the 32-bit, 16, and 8-bit layers of the world. in The Pixel Multiplane (PAM): (aka. the Past Clash Arc) Ciel is still but a program, but inserted themselves into PAM's code to discover what's new in the world, only having faint memories of PAM City back in 2019. Lacking connections, she captured the first being similar to herself, a Game-bound child by the name of Astra, to force an update log on what happened to PAM so she can get in. little does she know that something like her from another medium lies in wait for the moment to strike once more.

CREATOR ID: 891056
AGE: 6 months old

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