Look, i have my reasons for leaving. I've done COLLATERAL damage to PAM, and it'll take a really long time to recover. Me being there will just make things more difficult. So... I'll come back in a few years when things blow over (hopefully..?). I may have been the first on PAM, but i surely won't be the last. There's more than likely people better than me who can recover my damage. So... Later kids! Have a nice 7 years!!

Look, i have my reasons for leaving. I've done COLLATERAL damage to PAM, and it'll take a really long time to recover. Me being there will just make things more difficult. So... I'll come back in a few years when things blow over (hopefully..?). I may have been the first on PAM, but i surely won't be the last. There's more than likely people better than me who can recover my damage. So... Later kids! Have a nice 7 years!!

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CREATOR ID: e25ae6
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: (This one M8?)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator