- Sits on couch inside of his house - Welp.. all this teleporting and wormhole making is making me tired.. - Lays on couch and sleeps until morning -

- Sits on couch inside of his house - Welp.. all this teleporting and wormhole making is making me tired.. - Lays on couch and sleeps until morning -

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Description: [ Credit to grim for sprite ] Pronouns : He, Him, They, Them. Health : 11 Def : 22 Atk : 2 Likes ( Hot chocco, Friends, Knives ) Dislikes ( Being stabbed, crushed, or hit. Dying is another one )

CREATOR ID: 77b851
VIEWS: 101
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Save ( A better Rim )

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator