hello everyone i just made my self from scratch - Finlay

hello everyone i just made my self from scratch  - Finlay

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Description: Name : Finlay | Creator : Finlay | Stats : ATK 10 , DEF 20 , HP 150 | Weapons : a standard knife , Fists | Traits : Kindness , Bravery ,Determination , Hatred , Fear | Powers : Save and load ( note this is like the saving and loading from undertale but nerfed) , Radifobia , Determintion (gives the use 10 extra lives and heals any wounds from the previous life) , Hatred (transforms him into a god like being and boost's his stats ten fold) | Likes : Robots , kind people , animals , cars , aliens , his knife , his card board box , hot girls and his doggo | dis likes : rude people , people who block him for bad reasons , rules , firework's | Extra info : 15 years old , he also uses a client to go into pam like Bryan , He has no home exept for his cardboard box | DONT USE WITHOUT CREDIT!!!

CREATOR ID: 6a27ef
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Untitled

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator