and i will say this again: i recomend doing recarch on horror, insanity, ect to learn how to write them better. (also "its the MTT so things are different" is no longer a valid excuse for anything that makes no sense btw, so dont pull that card)

and i will say this again: i recomend doing recarch on horror, insanity, ect to learn how to write them better. (also "its the MTT so things are different" is no longer a valid excuse for anything that makes no sense btw, so dont pull that card)

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Description: stats: error. eye goo has solidified into strings akin to fatal error. used strings to fix up clothing. sweater became like error!chara's sweater. has lost almost all of his emotions now unable to feel content. has killed the entire multiverse cast, mania included. errorfication healed head wounds

CREATOR ID: 888202
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: edit

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