i feel you ace, my grades were all f's and i changed them all to a's in a week. but it took alot out of me, and everyday they give me 30 assignments and i just either passout or space out and get nothing done. so my grades are shit now. and i lack the energy to fix em because i gotlike 3 hoursof sleep last night

i feel you ace, my grades were all f's and i changed them all to a's in a week. but it took alot out of me, and everyday they give me 30 assignments and i just either passout or  space out and get nothing done. so my grades are shit now. and i lack the energy to fix em because i gotlike 3 hoursof sleep last night

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Description: nothin'

CREATOR ID: 4eb29e
AGE: 5 months old
BASED ON: Crying at how hard it is for me to shade a damn cube

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