and there would also be alot of characters having the same role, but thats fine. ITS FINE! Atleast i know for sure that King Squid and Peterplay19 has to be asgore because 1. "King" Squid and 2. Peterplay19 has been on here for years making sprite he deserves to have the role as the king...

and there would also be alot of characters having the same role, but thats fine. ITS FINE! Atleast i know for sure that King Squid and Peterplay19 has to be asgore because 1. "King" Squid and 2. Peterplay19 has been on here for years making sprite he deserves to have the role as the king...

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Description: also as an idea for phase 2 peterplay19 would hop into the fight helping.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: and also again if we would turn this into an actual thing we would actually have to give ourselves different roles and i have a way of doing that, just think of your personality and which character fits it the most, i am definetly a sans type in that situation...

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