so, i saw the thing about the sword on here... i wanted to try to help too, but there was something that i needed to point out. the thumb on the hand was on the wrong way, it had to be on the other side of the hand, i also didnt clean up the line work on the sword yet... -mawile

so, i saw the thing about the sword on here... i wanted to try to help too, but there was something that i needed to point out. the thumb on the hand was on the wrong way, it had to be on the other side of the hand, i also didnt clean up the line work on the sword yet... -mawile

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CREATOR ID: f7c573
VIEWS: 120
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: i`d battle, but i don`t think you`re ready to battle me yet. i`ve pokemon not a lot of people have. -Anauxieus

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