don't worry about this, man, i understand it looks kinda confusing so i just did it for you sgkljdfhkg

don't worry about this, man, i understand it looks kinda confusing so i just did it for you sgkljdfhkg

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Description: [heavily inspired by Jase's sadness personification] Jolly and Rage, version 3 Jolly (inside a fucking barrel wait how did she get a fucking bar-) by Jase Jolly and Rage (smol sprites) by Springy [lss] | Best Buds | Lebryan J, Poofy, Plant, Blew, Jase (?), Spring, Finx, Skeld, Rick, and Idiotic Cartoon | Overall Friends | Corruption, Lav, TomKat, DST, TSD, Drone, Comic, Sy, Matt (?), MOAU, ODST, Syl, Jim (?), Galaxy, Theron, Tim, Terrie (?), Luna (?), Rozora (?), KC, Tome, MoltThePro, Switch/Nat, E-Bag, Bliff, Anauxieus, CY, Ekusukariba, Michael, Dream Bonnie, Oreo, RBF, Ronan, Mix, BX, Finlay, Zuicide Mouce, Ez,

CREATOR ID: 8de716
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: fucking hell he looks like knuckle

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator