EldritchTale sneak peak, I guess.

EldritchTale sneak peak, I guess.

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Description: Basically, this AU is such that all the monsters, are actually somewhat reminiscent of wraiths. In the sense that all of them are exactly how this sprite is presented: black, and outlined in purple, and have a sort of mist, almost flame effect, radiating off them. Said flame/mist effect is also black outlined in purple. Their face is almost never shown in any situation, due to the fact of their shadowy nature, the blackness has consumed their past identity. They also don't talk much, but in the event they do, it sounds like they're whispering loudly, and it echoes a little. The color of their outline will change depending on the route you take. Neutral grants you the standard dark purple. Pacifist gives the standard white from Undertale. Genocide will yield crimson, aka #B80F0A. Anyways, that's a lot of shit said, I'll stop now. xd

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 241
AGE: 6 years old

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