*since Grim was gone he started doing something which caused the world to twist for a second and stop then he was 10 sec in the past twisted it for a sec again then came back to the present*...............-Yotoro Kobayashi(Bx)

*since Grim was gone he started doing something which caused the world to twist for a second and stop then he was 10 sec in the past twisted it for a sec again then came back to the present*...............-Yotoro Kobayashi(Bx)

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Description: Yotoro Kobayashi| Atk:??? | Dmg:23 | Hp:??? | Traits/ abilities: can detect life source at a range of 20 ft no matter the type of person/ethnic they are, Memory Wipe to make people forget he was there or even existed, Disappear, can instantly disappear to a desired location, Time Warp,????? | Personality: Shy, Outcast, lonely, Depressed.

CREATOR ID: 843b57
VIEWS: 164
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *he would disappear to a sacred hill lying down on it and dreams*-Yotoro Kobayashi(Bx)

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