Sometimes, things get hard, to the point where you just wanna push and grind all day. Things right now are so hard for me. I'm trying to keep myself together, but I don't think I can do it. I'm trying guys. But this is life. This is how be- how it becomes. Things happen in life, and you have to continue and grind. You know, it hard- life is so hard. You have to wake up every day, brush your teeth, wash your ass, do chores. Every single day, we gotta do that every single day. We can't just live life and just watch movies all day. We always have to beat to win something.

Sometimes, things get hard, to the point where you just wanna push and grind all day. Things right now are so hard for me. I'm trying to keep myself together, but I don't think I can do it. I'm trying guys. But this is life. This is how be- how it becomes. Things happen in life, and you have to continue and grind. You know, it hard-  life is so hard. You have to wake up every day, brush your teeth, wash your ass, do chores. Every single day, we gotta do that every single day. We can't just live life and just watch movies all day. We always have to beat to win something.

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