Well cogratu-fucking-lations, asshole. You pissed me off. Boarder doesn`t belong to an AU. Boarder DOESN`T EXIST. So just because you "Own 50+ AUs" doesn`t give your ASSHOLE-ISH SELF the right to MY. FUCKING. OC. It wasn`t even a good edit for sucks sake. If it was good at least I could appreciate it. But no. Fuck you. I hope you did leave, because God damn I should be doing better things than yelling at you,ya piece of shit.

Well cogratu-fucking-lations, asshole. You pissed me off. Boarder doesn`t belong to an AU. Boarder DOESN`T EXIST. So just because you "Own 50+ AUs" doesn`t give your ASSHOLE-ISH SELF the right to MY. FUCKING. OC. It wasn`t even a good edit for sucks sake. If it was good at least I could appreciate it. But no. Fuck you. I hope you did leave, because God damn I should be doing better things than yelling at you,ya piece of shit.

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Description: Classic!Boarder (PAM Version...but something is...wrong.) | Edited by Boarderline263 | HP: 0.1 | ATK: 999 | DEF: 100 | *Something seems off about his usual happy and light atmosphere... | Do not edit without permission.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Boarderline: The Start Of Obsession

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