Ooooook gotta go home lmao. That's when my Spring break begins.

Ooooook gotta go home lmao. That's when my Spring break begins.

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Description: Sprites by Lss, don't use them without permission please! VENGEFUL SPIRITS (MPA users seeking vengeance for their deaths) VENGEFUL SPIRIT 1 - Pation (Lexi, in depth) - A vengeful spirit seeking revenge for her killer, who is evidently Gabriel, or MPA Lucifer. VENGEFUL SPIRIT 2 - Summer (Spring) - As an unlucky victim of Clone, MPA Spring watches over MPA and makes sure that nobody else gets hurt. Also, he's a sun god AUASG0ASJ9IasguvasgbUBSAGOASGHI VENGEFUL SPIRIT 3 - Blown (Blew) - Another unlucky victim of Clone. Like MPA Spring, this spirit makes sure that nobody gets hurt. Also, he has a strange obsession with clouds??? VENGEFUL SPIRIT 4 - Decea (Cv) - Ever since Decea's death, Satan (Lucas) has gone insane and started acting like a lunatic. In the story, we never see him or his actual user name, but everybody refers to him as "The One Not to be Named" VENGEFUL SPIRIT 5 - olly. (Olly) - The most ominous and scariest out of all of them. MPA Olly got killed by Clone in a ventilation shaft for unknown reasons. Also, he…

CREATOR ID: fffbea
AGE: 2 years old

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