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Description: Gabriel or Gabe (/\ just the older name I went by) knight puns: good Kinght, knighty knight, up all knight, more coming I'm fucking losing it Ye gods who fly above like vultures to consume me, come and sup. For I am a bitter wormwood; I shall be fire on your lips and gall in your throats, to ye I am the waters of Marah. choke upon me and sputter, ye filthy mortal wake. I, who lived in the fashion of kings and drank the lifesblood of sacrificed babes, as in the vale of the sons of Hinnom. I, who who walked on the backs of broken empires reduced beneath memory. Even I who spat in the face of man and his maker. I spit still, your fear does not dwell within me. Call upon the hosts of heaven, conjure up the shades of hell; Sheol and Tartarus hold no fire to consume me. Eat! Eat, ye greedy swine, and lick up the poison I have brewed in my belly for ye. Crack open the bones with hemlock in their marrow, and swallow the heart that pumps my ichor, venom laced. Then ye will know what immortality really is, when I burn within your veins, and the vomit of my wrath rises in your lungs! Come and sup. my sun sets upon the earth. It will rise with no one to bid it in it's course, lest man mount the broken chariots ye crash, in the wake of my passing.

CREATOR ID: 2fc51c
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: hmmmm

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