also lets not forget me working on something very hard and accidently pressing the exit button 4 FUCKING TIMES THIS HAPPENED 4 TIMES and the 4th time i almost went full pychopath, i also made some presents and if you havent seen by now that fell character i gave to fell as a sorry for being rude to him.

also lets not forget me working on something very hard and accidently pressing the exit button 4 FUCKING TIMES THIS HAPPENED 4 TIMES and the 4th time i almost went full pychopath, i also made some presents and if you havent seen by now that fell character i gave to fell as a sorry for being rude to him.

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CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 295
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: anyways here have the entire fanon sans trilogy all started by me making a sprite for fanon sans

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