(Still wanna rp. But cant. Everyone is gone. Even then, Farren's character is locked in place with another character-)

(Still wanna rp. But cant. Everyone is gone. Even then, Farren's character is locked in place with another character-)

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Description: -Silver/NintendoKid) Farren -A universe hopper- Farren is a red wolf weighing at around 236 pounds. He's around 4'5 and red colored eyes. His strength is his weapon and the reason for his weight. His internal structure is organized in a specific manner to give him immense super strength and extremely tough bones. He's an absolute unit on the battlefield. His personal life is something he doesn't talk about but could be the reason why he has such a cold attitude. Despite that, he is still wary of what he is capable of and doesn't wish to hurt the innocent by accident. Admin, his current boss, most likely made a portal calculation error and sent him here by mistake, the rest plays out as follows. (He also sounds similar to King Penguin from the Mario Movie.) ((Farren's age is around 20. He is straight and is very self-conscious about love. He finds it 'a waste of time' in his words.))

CREATOR ID: 6b8507
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: (I'm glad that Farren got ANY action. Im glad he was interesting enough to some people. Still wonder where everyone went though...)

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