Mastered Sans

Mastered Sans

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Description: Alt.Uni: (UltimTale) by me :) POWERS: mastered grab, fast precison and dodging, more skilled in combat and closed ranged, BM glove helps sans to control his ability well and use it to punch enimes, has a pocket dimenson that full of gaster blaster and bones and can send his enimes to his dimension trapping them for 20 second RAGE BAR LIMIT: 25% starting to speed up his attack 50% glowing EYES and become more serious 75% sweating but now his attack become more and more deadly 100% goes all out, speed increased to 100% and stamina increase to 100% PHASE 1: Brothers Vengence PHASE 2: FINAL JUDGEMENT personality: same as normal sans but more serious in combat, likes to train in a 1v1 and always get excited and serious when comes to fighting, less lazy and in love our female human Ultim!Frisk( made by me hehe)

CREATOR ID: c43373
VIEWS: 133
AGE: 3 years old

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AI Painting Generator