ok u can do that and if ur gonna do it plz add blonde hair coming out cuz thats wat i WAS gonna do but it didnt turn out to good and crap gtg ill be back in 3 hours or something or 4-landon

ok u can do that and if ur gonna do it plz add blonde hair coming out cuz thats wat i WAS gonna do but it didnt turn out to good and crap gtg ill be back in 3 hours or something or 4-landon

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Description: name:landon,au:mask shift/bio tale,trio:mask time trio,likes:sometimes knives for no reason,chocky milk,guns,sometimes violance, and the color green quote:"are you ready to have an even worse time then before?cuz you are for making the multiverse unbalanced" theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k7Xcefn4Do

CREATOR ID: ae7706
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: cuz i gotta know so u dont pull anything or something cuz i gotta look at the fine script-landon

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