listen here Jeroxal. im tired of trying to drag you out of the rp channel. im tired of not getting to rp because you go there for hours untill you have to leave. if you hate their shit, then stay out of there. but if you keep going in there, im going to start ignoring you and might even block you. Im tired of you ignoring me whenever you go in there and im tired of this bullshit

listen here Jeroxal. im tired of trying to drag you out of the rp channel. im tired of not getting to rp because you go there for hours untill you have to leave. if you hate their shit, then stay out of there. but if you keep going in there, im going to start ignoring you and might even block you. Im tired of you ignoring me whenever you go in there and im tired of this bullshit

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Description: A.N.R-Anti-Natzi Russia A.N.B-Anti-Natzi Brittan A.N.A-Anti-Natzi America A.N.J-Anti-Natzi Japan

CREATOR ID: 71fafd
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Countryhumans sheet 2

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