if i had to give an idea, the world is basically a whole twisted scene of monsters much, much bigger than you. the first game you play as a 9 year old named "six" ((aka, the character i just showed you)) you're basically trying to escape this place called "the maw" which is a place where these monsters called "the guest" come to feed. the game revolves a lot around hunger, throughout the game, six starts to also give into this sort of hunger and as time goes on, its obvious this "hunger" is starting to become more dangerous. by the end of the game, you do end up escaping, but im not telling how, lol. the main antagonist is a character called "the lady"

if i had to give an idea, the world is basically a whole twisted scene of monsters much, much bigger than you. the first game you play as a 9 year old named "six" ((aka, the character i just showed you)) you're basically trying to escape this place called "the maw" which is a place where these monsters called "the guest" come to feed. the game revolves a lot around hunger, throughout the game, six starts to also give into this sort of hunger and as time goes on, its obvious this "hunger" is starting to become more dangerous. by the end of the game, you do end up escaping, but im not telling how, lol. the main antagonist is a character called "the lady"

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Description: -mawile she/her

CREATOR ID: 777455
AGE: 1 year old

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