(Edited) Red Blue Heart Necklace (For Trenton's Game) By TGW

(Edited) Red Blue Heart Necklace (For Trenton's Game) By TGW

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Description: Here Trenton it's an random item I thought of but... I had no other idea ._. Description For Item: This wonderful heart necklace will heal you during battle. You can take it apart for two different people to wear at the same time, some says that they heal both people at the same time and some says that it will make them in love and heal. The necklace was created by two ancient creatures that nobody knows about but if they did know they have to keep it a deep secret...

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 149
AGE: 7 years old
BASED ON: Red Blue Heart Necklace (For Trenton's Game) By TGW

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