ok, so i just finished the shading and lighting (its seemed dull without some lighting) this is the best i could do at the moment, so if anything needs to be fixed, either you may have to fix it, have someone else fix it, or wait til i come back tomorrow to fix it (i have to go to bed now) -Mawile

ok, so i just finished the shading and lighting (its seemed dull without some lighting) this is the best i could do at the moment, so if anything needs to be fixed, either you may have to fix it, have someone else fix it, or wait til i come back tomorrow to fix it (i have to go to bed now) -Mawile

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CREATOR ID: f7c573
VIEWS: 159
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Mawile, can you shade this? -Anauxieus

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