yeah i gotta aggree with withered bonnie here and i just HATE super duper long au names man and some people are just bad infulences dude - landon

yeah i gotta aggree with withered bonnie here and i just HATE super duper long au names man and some people are just bad infulences dude - landon

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Description: name:landon,au:mask shift/bio tale,trio:mask time trio,likes:sometimes knives for no reason,chocky milk,guns,sometimes violance, and the color green quote:"are you ready to have an even worse time then before?cuz you are for making the multiverse unbalanced" theme:

CREATOR ID: ae7706
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: . . .not all are i TRY not to go to far and even wen im using a sans sprite i dont go like "RANDOM BULL SH*T GO"im not like that and i dont go insane and i dont add new "OvEr PoWeReD AtTaCkS" cuz im sick of that and if i did use a strong sans i would only use the amount of his power and use his power and i hate things like "hyscula!dust!disbelief!killer!horror!sans H . A . R . D . M . O . D . E" like dude thats stupid thats even less original than a sans man - landon

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