Chaos Terrie [For Chaos Sans]

Chaos Terrie [For Chaos Sans]

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Description: (Justin) Terrie; Age: 23; Height: 6" 5'; Weight: 35 kg; A Dog with a feather'd tail; He's also German; Also Gay | Yes it'a my OC Furry Fursona... |Anti-Copy: Goopi made this | Goopi: I hope you like it... it may look close to your normal character, but i tried really hard to get this...

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
VIEWS: 114
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: [Final FINAL time][Give them a DESC and rename ok?]Terrie: Right then to everyone here! I have a thing you guys can do... IF you want take this character... And turn him into any AU you like! [Editing the other faces is optional]

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