Cloud (WHT Mechanic)

Cloud (WHT Mechanic)

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Description: Terrie has spent 6+ years lying on PAM, this is a wiki page dedicated to archiving all of his wrongs. Links may be added by those who have them as time goes on. These are open to interpretation, take them as you will. Known Aliases: Terrie J. Riverblood, more commonly referred to as just “Terrie” MayTheKitsune, AKA May Mayhem Loli His Wrongs Was proven to be one of the infamous porn spammers, tried to cover it up by changing his ID. Has taken on many personas, many of which mysteriously stopped appearing on PAM when the ID update came out. He tried pretending to be a member named May by using another ID, but was caught during an courtroom with many witnesses, including Luna, Warrior/Roze, TomKat, Ez, Drone, and more. Has faked suicide 20+ times. Sweeps any past drama under the rug by calling anyone who calls him out a liar, usually blaming Discord or TomKat for "brainwashing" them. Tries to justify his wrongdoings by saying he has mental illnesses. This is not to say he doesn't have some mental illnesses, because he surely does, just not the ones he says he has, and not that many. Someone who really has such mental illnesses doesn't flaunt them or use them as excuses for repeated wrongdoings. Is a clean-cut, clear as day pedophile. Dating Age Rule: The dating age rule to determining a socially acceptable age difference in partners goes something like this: half your age plus seven (40 = 20 +7 = 27) to define the minimum age of a partner and your age minus seven times two (40 = 33 * 2 = 60) to define the maximum age of a partner. This means that, if Terrie was 18 like he claimed, the minimum age a partner should be is 16, and yet he was dating Luna, who was 14 at the time. Abused his rank in a Discord server where he was trusted with admin. General "arsehole" behaviour. Used to hack/import images and gifs into PAM for the sole reason of lagging everyone out and ruining everyone's time as retaliation when he got fussy. Abuse of an ex-friend of his, who wishes to remain anonymous and no longer be involved with him or his drama. Tracing sprites from the internet that don't belong to him and throwing fits when people used it without his permission, despite it not being his in the first place. Baseless threats to the members of PAM, as well as PAM as a whole. Many, MANY accounts of guilt tripping. Publicly leaked LITERAL CHILD PORNOGRAPHY in an attempt to clear his name. In an attempt to clear his name by bringing up evidence showing that King Squid is a pedophile, he committed some much worse crimes in the process. Evidence will NOT be provided for the reason of privacy for the people whose nudes he leaked, but there are many MANY witnesses thanks to him doing it publicly, including Drone, Plant, Poofy, Luna, and many others, all minors which have now been exposed to pornography thanks to Terrie's huberus. {Author's note: Terrie, you really could have shown evidence without posting the explicit images. That would have at least given you the least bit of credibility. You could have blacked out the images or censored them in any way, and just shown the incriminating messages. Also, what was up with those two photos that were just flat out nudes? They didn't have messages or any conducive evidence, what was the reasoning behind just plain nudes of a child that don't help your case at all? I'm genuinely confused.} This list is incomplete, feel free to add your personal experiences with him, or add evidence for existing entries in the section below.

CREATOR ID: b50f19
AGE: 1 year old

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