THIS MESSAGE IS OF UTTER IMPORTANCE: THe computer that I'm on is a school computer but its from last year and I'm switching schools so I have to give this computer back to the first school meaning I will no longer have my characters so I need someone to hold on to them so that they don't get lost forever because these are my absolute favorite sprites of mine.

THIS MESSAGE IS OF UTTER IMPORTANCE: THe computer that I'm on is a school computer but its from last year and I'm switching schools so I have to give this computer back to the first school meaning I will no longer have my characters so I need someone to hold on to them so that they don't get lost forever because these are my absolute favorite sprites of mine.

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Description: ITS PEPO!

CREATOR ID: cef114
VIEWS: 189
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Pepo Sheet Save. (Fixed anger boi)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator