You inverted the colors, but its still sprite stealing, and if you do it too many times and or if a person complains, you know it's going to be widely known that you take other people's work and that could ruin your reputation and any respect for you :< and ruin any future attempts of certien things...

You inverted the colors, but its still sprite stealing, and if you do it too many times and or if a person complains, you know it's going to be widely known that you take other people's work and that could ruin your reputation and any respect for you :<  and ruin any future attempts of certien things...

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CREATOR ID: c91422
VIEWS: 115
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: He looked at me with an expression that was sort of like a mix between sorrow and happy. It was then that he dissipated into thin air.-Lux

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