… Zombies and Creepers and the Spiders and the Skeletons, that carry bows and Arrows I just gotta build a building that'll Keep 'em from me, because the Netherworld's the only thing That waits for me I'm always living in a Lego Land In-vented by a Swedish Viking lookin' Fat kid, gotta keep on building and survive-vive-vive And then maybe somebody will have sex with me … Minecraft won't add inches to your cooooock!!

… Zombies and Creepers and the Spiders and the Skeletons, that carry bows and Arrows I just gotta build a building that'll Keep 'em from me, because the Netherworld's the only thing That waits for me I'm always living in a Lego Land In-vented by a Swedish Viking lookin' Fat kid, gotta keep on building and survive-vive-vive And then maybe somebody will have sex with me … Minecraft won't add inches to your cooooock!!

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Description: Bub. (Your internet asshole.) (Blocking is for the weak.)

CREATOR ID: bea179
VIEWS: 182
AGE: 2 years old

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