[Era 1. Shadoo Era] 10,000 years later, and T has to stop a form of being called "Shadows" They are the "Biggest" threat to the multiverse, or at least that's what he wants everyone to believe, so he stops several groups of them before confronting their leader, Shadoo. The Shape-Shifting Shadow. Shadoo hides behind a Banana Dorito (Bill Cipher) and an Evil Jester (Dimentio). Then T stops him, but we learn of the REAL threat.

[Era 1. Shadoo Era] 10,000 years later, and T has to stop a form of being called "Shadows"  They are the "Biggest" threat to the multiverse, or at least that's what he wants everyone to believe, so he stops several groups of them before confronting their leader, Shadoo. The Shape-Shifting Shadow. Shadoo hides behind a Banana Dorito (Bill Cipher) and an Evil Jester (Dimentio). Then T stops him, but we learn of the REAL threat.

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Description: A nice guy that greets everyone that he meets. Once a very hated certain Orange and Blue person.I'm changing myself, however to be better, and less hated hopefully, cause nobody cared when I "Left" Sorry bout that rant, He has the same basic abilities as Ink. However he makes people happy instead of protecting the universe. Credits to Warrior for the original sprite.

CREATOR ID: f455be
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Color!Sans: Wait, I need to leave! Bye Guys!

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