F40PH W/ Coaches, Characters, and Customize Options (Day)

F40PH W/ Coaches, Characters, and Customize Options (Day)

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Description: This is my "Amtrak Pak" The first object is an F40PH in Amtrak "Phase 3" livery. The second objects are the Amfleet coaches in "Phase 3" livery. These both come with customize options to change the logo on the locomotive, and open the doors of the coaches. The third objects are the two included sprite sheets for an in-scale human. The first character is a conductor, and the second one is a scaled-down version of my friend, CT, who also has in interest in trains. These come in a variety of stances. This is the daytime version. I hope you can enjoy. Made by /e-bag/, February, 2021. Updated and expanded April 20th, 2021. All rights reserved.

CREATOR ID: 000885
VIEWS: 306
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Made it larger

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