Terrie, has the gall to fucking bitch at me, that egotistical, maniac of a bitch.... He guilt trips people, lies, steals, consistently. Nobody who's any sort of OG likes him, as it rightfully should be. As he's just a wimpy bitch irl, that fucking tries to bully people on a pixel art site, he's a fucking hypocrite, that complains about things he himself does, PAM's history would have been 100 times better without him, as he had a heavy part in ruining PAM with his lies, drama, and general assholery, and he's the worst fucking person here. I wish he would just leave PAM and never return, like he's promised a hundred and one times, but he's addicted to this damn website, when there's so many more sites that are better for what he wants to do. He's just stupid, and I hate him so fucking much....

Terrie, has the gall to fucking bitch at me, that egotistical, maniac of a bitch.... He guilt trips people, lies, steals, consistently. Nobody who's any sort of OG likes him, as it rightfully should be. As he's just a wimpy bitch irl, that fucking tries to bully people on a pixel art site, he's a fucking hypocrite, that complains about things he himself does, PAM's history would have been 100 times better without him, as he had a heavy part in ruining PAM with his lies, drama, and general assholery, and he's the worst fucking person here. I wish he would just leave PAM and never return, like he's promised a hundred and one times, but he's addicted to this damn website, when there's so many more sites that are better for what he wants to do. He's just stupid, and I hate him so fucking much....

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CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: The Firestarter

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator