I Agree, It Really Just, Shouldn't Exist In My Opinion, Litural No Life Activity Is What It Is - Deadtale

I Agree, It Really Just, Shouldn't Exist In My Opinion, Litural No Life Activity Is What It Is - Deadtale

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Description: Deadtale (himself) AU:Transpirey HP:Nah I Don't I Will let You See It DEF:Does It Matter? i can alter my stats at will, You Have No Need To Be Using A Check ATCK:You'r Still Going? Surprised You'r Not Bored Yet Age:576- ERROR,NUMBER EXCEEDS LIMIT Status:True Creator True Form:Unknown I'd Watch Out For The Human-like One With Claws Ya Know Theme:https://www.indiesound.com/track/116479 DESC From Checking:He's A Spectral Being Thats For SHure And With The Power To Alter Stats... This Aint Pacific To Him But There Has To be A Limit Shurly "He Goes By Many Names But Here He Uses The Name Of His 1st Au" Attacks: ERROR STATUS UNAVAILIBLE DUE TO BEING A CREATOR AND USING WHAT EVER THEY LIKE I Don't Think Any Of Us Creators Can Be Bothed To Write A List Long Enough To Have All (like what) 20 Billion Attacks So Yea Don't Even Think About Seeing A List Effects:Creators Will, Immortality, Spectral's Ghost, Spectral Resurrect, Intimidating Glare [togglable], Blood Lust Wings [ERROR UNRECONISABLE LENGTH] Well If You Read This Far Then Well Done, You'r Commited, You See The Blood Orb, If You Must Know Everything Thats My Spectral Core, We All Have Differant Colours Depending On Our Prefurences And What We Do, I Hav The Unique One Thats Not Only Seeable Ouside, But Is Also Held By Shadow Strings, If You Thinks Thats Th Way To Defeat me Then Good Luck With That, Us Spectrals Only Truly Die From Old Age And I Cannot Age Due To My Immortality Effect So Good Luck On That

CREATOR ID: 365f7c
VIEWS: 108
AGE: 11 months old
BASED ON: Welp, I Just got here And Someone Leaves PaM, I Mean Sad To See Zer0 Go But, the Moment i Arrive, That can't be A Cowincidence (How Frick Do You Spell that)-Deadtale

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