dont know why i did this but enjoyed making it

dont know why i did this but enjoyed making it

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Description: unrelated fanart of: Turi Anashiku//Age: 30// Gender: Female// Species: Imp// Height: 6’2”// Was born differently than others, for instance, she’s super tall, and has a really muscular, prehensile tail// She works for Blitzø, but in a different area, due to him wanting to expand his business// She also really loves using melee weapons. She’s not a very good shot, but her tail makes it easier with daggers and such// Voice for some stupid reason: Graceful and Seductive, yet intense as ever. // She ALSOOOOO has abilities, such as she can go to Earth without Stolas’s grimoire, and…idk yet// she has another eye, but it controls her powers, and sometimes, the can get pretty intense.//

CREATOR ID: f951be
VIEWS: 241
AGE: 7 months old

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