i am bana again

i am bana again

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Description: Made and used by Sugar Cookie 'Biscuit'/ Alex. Pronouns are: she/her (I am trans girl if you didn't know). ----- CANON SECTION: Doesn't know what to do with life. Has bad family relations. Not too many friends. Often feels as if she's powerless. Likes to draw, sing and listen to music. Often doesn't take certain situations seriously. Occasionally the 4th wall. Has the ability of resurrection on herself. Has the soul of Patience ----- If you want to use this to make your own thing, then go ahead, but give credit if you do so

CREATOR ID: 8de716
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: yea imma just disappear again, might not be on as much today 'cus i gotta wake up early tomorrow for a college trip to the national gallery, so, uh, yeah, cya people

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