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Description: Dell | Personality Dell is laid back, being considered lazy by Jane, althrough this is because he refuses to kill the protagonist. Though Dell is usually agreeable, he becomes eerily serious at particular moments. He is also observant; Dell reads the protagonist's expressions and can often tell when she has already done certain tasks. | He enjoys drinking beer as well as making bad puns. | Abilities Dell can quickly travel using his teleporters. A Short Circuit that Dell uses in battle In combat, he uses Short Circuits. Dell excels in combat and fights with unique abilities that include: Southern Hospitality, changing the effect of gravity on the SOUL, and attacking the protagonist in the selection menus. | Dell introduces himself to the protagonist in Thunder Mountain after he assures the protagonist that the sentry gun pointed at her is empty. He explains that he has no interest in capturing intruders, but that his friend, Jane does. Then, Dell puts a paper bag with a smiling face on the protagonist's head. Jane rushes onscreen, and the friends discuss Dell's laziness and the importance of stopping any intruders. Dell appears multiple times throughout Thunder Mountain, observing and commentating on the puzzles but not engaging in any japery. | Before Jane's battle, Dell appears in Teufort. He asks the protagonist to not kill Jane, because he is Dell's best friend and has valuable skills. | In Battle For an in-battle description, see Dell/In Battle. | Relationships: Jane Dell cares for and admires his best friend. Jane mentions in his fight that besides the protagonist, Dell is the only person that has never laughed at him. | Theme: | Atk: 10, Def: 10, Dmg: 5, Hp: 1 | Credit to: | Do not steal without permission.

CREATOR ID: 7ee2f3
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Save -Deteriorate

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AI Painting Generator