Hi, Killer. I told Dust that my axe was randomly stolen and that a creature gave me this weird one. So uh.... yea, this is pretty much my main axe for now. - Horror

Hi, Killer. I told Dust that my axe was randomly stolen and that a creature gave me this weird one. So uh.... yea, this is pretty much my main axe for now. - Horror

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CREATOR ID: 1df244
VIEWS: 129
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Oh, hey Dust. So, lately i found out that my old axe was stolen by someone, i was pissed af. And then, faith happened. A cute creature was holding a weird purple axe on it's mouth, wanting to give it to me, and ran off somewhere. And so now, this is probably going to be my main axe until i find my old axe. - Horror

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