i thought it was gunna be a trick...well acturly...i dunno anymore...*spare* i'm still keeping eye's on you tho...liturly*summons wachters* so kill no one and i wont have to come....also don't think about killing the wachters......you can't...not untill i'm dead-Unamed (has no name)(Deadtale) Blood:9,579,028,722

i thought it was gunna be a trick...well acturly...i dunno anymore...*spare* i'm still keeping eye's on you tho...liturly*summons wachters* so kill no one and i wont have to come....also don't think about killing the wachters......you can't...not untill i'm dead-Unamed (has no name)(Deadtale) Blood:9,579,028,722

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Description: Unamed AU:does he even have one? hp:??? DEF:100,000,000 ATCK:??? a blood demon that pritty kind acturly

CREATOR ID: a96a9d
VIEWS: 161
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: (hello everyone i'm back)*is in his shop waiting*-Unamed (has no name)(Deadtale) Blood:10,000,000

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