ok so i was writing what i was doing here, but it was too long so i had to put in my desc. so yeah.

ok so i was writing what i was doing here, but it was too long so i had to put in my desc. so yeah.

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Description: anau, poofy, DMPC-1, DMPC-2, drone, and rainbow, after killing the queen, go ot the docks and go into the ship. they find a small floating platform with two barrels with health potions and gold, then notice waterbreathing potions. then then also find a note that tells whoever finds the platform to go down below and kill the king of the kuo-toa (fish people) because he is a downright bitch. if the party just goes away, then i.. dunno i need to figure something else out. if they go down into the depths, they find a cave with an air bubble. if they go in, they will find a town full of kuo-toa, they can go to the lab, inn, messageboard, stronghold, and tavern. the tavern can give them quests that i need to think of later, and can also get them sopme new party members, if they are that persuasive. the messageboard also gives them quests and shite. the lab allows them to get a full description of a kuo-toa being turned into minced meat. the inn heals them because i dunno, and the stronghold puts them infront of the kuo-toa king. they will be able to walk around, but not do much. if they feel like it, they can unplug a thing and drown everyone, but other than that, the only thing they can really do is kill the king. also, something i havent added, is a secret organization of kuo-toa who worship a god and try to summon him. fuckin wierdos.

CREATOR ID: 769d0a
AGE: 2 years old

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