(). -Trainer Ez

(). -Trainer Ez

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Description: Everyone, shut up! Merry christmas. Ho ho ho. (slight chuckle) It's a christmas day, and everything is great (Happy birthday, to the stupidest idiot), but i have Ziffy Clumper here cuz he sucks. I am the best at rapping here Ziffy Clumper has no ears This is a duet song Your shoe size is three You smell like pee And you're a lee (I hate you) I am Clowfoe I am Clowfoe Clowfoe Clowfoe I am jumping down the halls cuz I'm Clowfoe I am looking at the walls cuz I'm Clowfoe And I'm hitting all your balls cuz I'm Clowfoe!!! And I go [Clowfoe proceeds to chant his own name] Skinny Nuts. You can't jump on a trampoline You do a flip but you land on your spleen (THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SKINNY NUTS), THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SKINNY NUTS. (You can't rap for anything-) WHO SAYS SKINNY NUTS?! (Uh, I'mma fliing... you) THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS- ARE YOU STUPID HAVE YOU EVER HEARD ANYONE SAY SKINNY NUTS IF YOU SEARCH THE TERM FOR SKINNY NUTS THAT IS THE FIRST TIME THAT HAS EVER BEEN HEARD IS WHEN YOU SAID IT YESTERDAY BECAUSE IT IS NOT A TERM IF YOU SAY "FAT NUTS" IT MEANS THAT THEY ARE BIG BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT FAT MEANS (The existence of fat nuts implies the existence of skinny nuts) THERE'S NO SKINNY NUTS, A CIRCLE ISN'T SKINNY. (It's the polar opposite, therefore it makes sense.) NO, YOU KNOW THAT(?) SKINNY ISN'T THE POLAR OPPOSITE, IT'S SMALL, NOT SKINNY. Are you STUPID? (You are the polar opposite of Albert Einstein, stupid.) Are you DENSE? Do you need GLASSES? You need HEARING AIDS, STUPID. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT FAT NUTS ARE, YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THEM. (You have hearing aids because you can't hear these bars.) LOOK UP WOODY, LOOK UP WOODY HENSON YOU WANNA SEE FAT NUTS. Woody Henson is the worst name. This isn't a sleepy! Oh, oh you wanna- nah nah I do-. Ok, Ok, Woody Henson is the best name, Ziffy is uh- You can- Stupid fucking snitch name. (Yeah) Stupid idiot is you, Clowfoe. You cannot see because your eyes are broken Ok this isn't even- no, shut up, I don't care. You think that SKINNY NUTS are- SKINNY NUTS. (You imply-(unintelligble)-smarter than you.) Clumper, he's râ–ˆtarded and he's stupid and he's dumb. Ziffy said SKINNY NUTS, he said SKINNY NUTS. Like, what kind of(You're friends with a grandma.) What the fuck are skinny nuts? Exactly, thank you! (Nobody knows what skinny nuts are) You- The existence of- No, you idiot, the existence of fat nuts implies the existence of skinny nuts. (There is no such thing as a skinny nuts!) The existence of fat nuts do exist! Fat nuts and skinny nuts- Yeah, and it implies the existence of skinny nuts! (NOOOO! (unintelligible) SAY SMALL NUTS! STUPID!)

CREATOR ID: 30dec3
VIEWS: 166
AGE: 2 years old

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