How to Make Good Characters - Chapter 2: Abilities

How to Make Good Characters - Chapter 2: Abilities

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Description: Let's say you're playing some D&D. You get to the boss of a dungeon, and the boss uses an attack that kills the entire party, no matter what. Does that sound fun? No? Then don't make your character have something like that. Broken moves are not fun. Balance your character out by not putting super OP moves or types of an expendable resource, and putting weaker things instead. Yes, you can make something strong, as long as it's BALANCED. Teleportation can be broken is abused, too. Instakill and Healing abilities are never fair, except for when they're used correctly. Give the opponent a chance and balance your moveset. This isn't Smogon, it's a PAM RP.

CREATOR ID: a2471d
VIEWS: 182
AGE: 2 years old

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