Do you know what this means Karma? I will have to go through the future and every single alternate timeline, universe and or whatever in that future and fix all of it to go back to normal. I HATE YOU!!

Do you know what this means Karma? I will have to go through the future and every single alternate timeline, universe and or whatever in that future and fix all of it to go back to normal. I HATE YOU!!

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Description: List of things to make: Make LITERAL REVERTSWAP (Revertswap but it's literally Underswap Sans as Sans Undertale), Make a new version of yourself in real life, make not trust papyra AND MAKE ALL THE SPRITES FOR UNDERTALE: DISROTTEN. Currently making: The remastered version of The Alternate Universes Of Pixel Art Makers.

CREATOR ID: aea8b5
VIEWS: 101
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: I am closing the portal */close portal* *Unable to close the portal* FINE I AM BLOCKING IT WITH RANDOM BLOCKS! *Places obsidian over the portals that keeps appearing WHY IS THERE SO MANY PORTALS!* NO MORE RANDOM ADVENTURES INTO THE FUTURE!! I AM DONE TALKING!

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