Ima head to sleep amis...cya

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Description: Original by John Redrawn by Finx Used and edited by (find my tag on the sprite) |Stats| HP| Can take infinite body shots,but when hitting the mask of the creature,it has about 50 HP| DEF| Again,body shots are ineffective,the mask has a DEF of about 25.|ATK| The average attack emitted by the creature is about 225 ATK but this number varies with different opponents and situations|SPEED| 250 |Accuracy| 59% | Luck| 40 | About this creature|This creature is a known latex with a low popularity political party, a STG. in the PAM city police force,captain of police in [REMOVED],and a well known [REMOVED]. When talking about physical properties of the latex creature it is noted to have a black mask with purple dripping liquid attained all over its body,it also gives off a glow as well as a heavy aura,depending on mood. When talking about its mental capacity it gave an IQ of about 227. It shows a charismatic personality,with a (mostly) optimistic lifestyle. It also shows deep thinking when not directly in a conversation.|Additional Notes| It showed to have a high pain tolerance,but not a very battle heavy person. Its also good to note that it is a guardian of the forest,spending most of its time in either system 23's or system 29's. This power grants a strong healing aura.|Attacks|Hey,sorry still working on this bit,but come back another time,eh?
CREATOR ID: | ebf0c4 |
VIEWS: | 59 |
AGE: | 3 years old |
BASED ON: | *she dusts a few ashes from the cigarette and the soul completes itself* *she throws it into the cryogenic chamber* |