No need to take yourself down T... You basically need to be here for us! You left many marks on you life span being on here... And you basically touched many lives and so that basically means not everyone hates you some will forgive you... Terrie and me do since we never knew Danger, but that doesn`t make you such a bad guy like Terrie, said "You guys get so pissed off about one thing so easily just calm down..." And well yeah that`s basically true... You get so mad so easy just stop it... And let it slide and see what happens... -Loli

No need to take yourself down T... You basically need to be here for us! You left many marks on you life span being on here... And you basically touched many lives and so that basically means not everyone hates you some will forgive you... Terrie and me do since we never knew Danger, but that doesn`t make you such a bad guy like Terrie, said "You guys get so pissed off about one thing so easily just calm down..." And well yeah that`s basically true... You get so mad so easy just stop it... And let it slide and see what happens... -Loli

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Description: [Act] | {Check} | Name: Loli; Something to do with lollipops | HP: 570 | DEF: 1,200 | ATK: 70 | She`s on phase one of four

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: I went way too far way too fast...

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