*casuly saving for hopefully the last time*-???(Deadtale)

*casuly saving for hopefully the last time*-???(Deadtale)

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Description: NAME:(i have not yet given him 1) AU:UNKNOWN HP:HIDDEN DEF:HIDDEN ATCK:HIDDEN HIEGHT:2 foot 3 RACE:HALF HUMAN HALF SHADOW DEMON GENDER:MALE POWER OF DESTUCTION(POD):300/1000 LOV/LV(LEVEL OF VIOLENCE):6 EXP(EXERCUSION POINTS):78/1678 THEMES DOWN BELOW PHASE 1:https://youtu.be/KYFwNznXwHg PHASE 1.1:https://youtu.be/lWkq1VOCJas ATCKS DOWN BELOW SHADOW SPIKE:-100HP OBLITERATE:-1000HP (also shatters anything like glass) INTIMIDATE:*makes the foe scared if they have LOV/LV 10 or lower EXPLODING INSIDES:-10,000HP (destroys organs and obliterates inside) no stealing,no exporting (sirisly) and no saying "godmoding" when it's not (hopefully explaining liturly everything prevents that goddanm thing hapening)

CREATOR ID: c484e8
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: *walks into some store he's never been in before*(also yes i'm back lets make a big deal about it [now that i think about it thats never happend but evan sorta does make a big deal outta it])-???(Deadtale)

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