Ah... ya see it was a painful and torturous fate for him to become such, ever since, he's been distraught and has gone mad, the poor guy didn't see it coming

Ah... ya see it was a painful and torturous fate for him to become such, ever since, he's been distraught and has gone mad, the poor guy didn't see it coming

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Description: Sahara - A human who seems to not feel pain, like... Look at their eye injury HP - come on now? I'm a human, I've got a heart not health points! DEF - However I feel like to be honest, my grumpiness might increase it... who knows. ATK - Yet again, human over 'ere! Though I do like me some chainsaw action, OH HELL YEAH I DO! SPD - I mean... is faster than a athlete good enough for ya? DXT - What even is Dexterity? Sounds pretty silly to me. INT - Oh I am SUPER SMART! So smart I have telekinesis!

CREATOR ID: ea2ec2
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: dis guy?????

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