1. i did not gulit trip bitch... 2. ok we talked about this already and we already said sorry and that we would never do it again and 3. stop being mean im the one trying to be nice here

1. i did not gulit trip bitch... 2. ok we talked about this already and we already said sorry and that we would never do it again and 3. stop being mean im the one trying to be nice here

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Description: (redrew by Comical) (All credits to Yugogear) (Desc: Name: Amiko age: ?? magical ability: Shapeshifting and using her magical bow. Doesn't remember much after she woke up in pam. Attack: 10 def: 25 hp: 268 Status: Neutral (only attacks if attacked)

CREATOR ID: 450a4c
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (Also.. mabye just mabye.. i could hate you for your actions.. you blew your last cance when you simped , pedoed, and then tried to giult trip all in one fucking night)

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